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Self Help - Mind Body Spirit Information That Will Challenge The Way You View Life!
Regardless of personal viewpoint about spirituality, many have wondered what would have happened if Saddam Hussein hadn't been stopped when he first invaded Kuwait back in the early nineties? Well, this story explores that scenario to its surprising conclusion and then reinvents the scene time and again in a sequence similar to 'Groundhog Day' but in a self help mind, body, spirit theme.
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Choosing A Life Coaching Program
Why do so many self help, positive thinking and motivational seminars, books and audios not work, and what can I do that will work for me?
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Ten Top Tips For Successfully Setting Goals
Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them. ~ Jim Rohn
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Time Management Skills
Working with a Life Coach for so many years, I have come to realize that to effectively manage time, we need to first realize that time itself cannot be managed! We all get seven days a week and 168 hours within those seven days. This cannot be increased or changed in any way. However, what we can change, improve and manage is ourselves.
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Effective Time Management - Ten Top Tips
Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this article can help you!
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If You Had These 3 Habits, Your Weight Loss Would Be Effortless
There are simple laws that govern the human body and once these 3 simple actions become a habit, weight loss becomes effortless and automatic.
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Hypnotherapy For Business Development Leading By Example
So you thought hypnotherapy and business development make a rather odd couple, right? One is all about strange utterings and exaggerated facial expressions, while the other is about being cool, calculated and professional. How odd that they could even be considered compatible. How absolutely bizarre! But truth is always stranger than fiction, and I would like to break the myth that business and hypnotherapy dont go together. I would go on to say even as much that Hypnotherap...
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Depression and Food Binging in the Family
This article focuses on eating disorders of women and how they are closely related to family problems, negative emotions, and depression. A lot of young girls experience this and is more prone to such eating disorders. With self help and counseling, any girl can control their way of eating in to a much more healthier way.
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5 Ways to Soothe Mind, Body and Spirit
Sometimes good comes from being blinded by the lightSelf improvement (or self help) tools come in many shapes and sizes; sometimes its physical in nature (a self help book, having a massage, painting with water colors), or spiritual in nature (flower essences, Reiki, meditation which is both physical and spiritual, etc).
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5 Attributes Of Successful People
Disciplined, Uncompromising, Tough, Courageous and Humorous (D.U.T.C.H). The 5 main attributes that are to be found in most successful people. This has resulted from a careful study of the main personality traits to be found in the worlds most successful people from politicians, sportsmen and women and business people. Disciplined and Successful people are well organized and self disciplined. Often they have been brought up in a structured disciplined environment.
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The Secret Of Success – Desire, Duty, Or Dereliction?
People go through this thing that we call life and while some are incredibly successful, there are others who just “get by” until the final curtain is drawn. Determining your level of actual involvement in your life – and thus, your level of success – can be broken down into 3 categories: Desire, Duty, or Dereliction.
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How To Be A Winner All The Way - Hypnotherapy For Sports Performance
Human beings have always been fascinated with sports, and over the years we have had sportsmen and women who have become legends in their own right. Consistent in their performance, with unmoving dedication and perseverance, these sports stars have become icons for future generations. What is it that makes these players so unbeatable? How is it that they can turn in one winning performance after the other in their preferred sport? And is it possible for you to get the winning...
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How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps
Learn how to stay focused through the turmoil of life by following a few tips that teach you how to concentrate on your goal.
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Hypnosis Power And Inevitable Success
Are you hypnotizable? Is it possible for you to enter a deep state of trance? If you are an average person you will most likely think that you can't be hypnotized. This is normal. The majority of people feel that if it were possible for them to be hypnotized then this, in some way, indicates that they lack any real will-power are naive or of below average intelligence. This could not be further from the truth.
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Secrets of a Positive Attitude
Are you constantly bombarded by thoughts of negativity? Plagued by feelings of insecurity? Do you see everything in a negative manner? The reason for this lies deep within your heart.
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Youre Desire Power And The 3 Keys of All Great People
Learn how Desire is the motive-power behind all action, processes and events.
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You Are Not A Victim; You Are Not Alone
If you dont feel good about yourself, you have to fix it. Theres no other way around it. You cant raise confident kids, have a healthy relationship, or get satisfaction from your job if you dont. This comes from someone who didnt, for most of her life, feel worthwhile. Many books come from the perspective of an expert, someone who already has a healthy sense of self-worth, which I believe immediately sets up an alienating perspective between them and us, those ...
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Your Worst Habits Just Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You have the power to train your mind to choose what you think, instead of allowing random thoughts to hold you hostage. Your goal is to become inner-directed and focused, so that you decide what you want to think, rather than have your thoughts and emotions determined by the world around you. The untrained mind has more emotional ups and downs because it is reacting to random thoughts. Focus on what you want with joy and enthusiasm.Remember, just like the Earth, your bra...
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Your Power Of REAL Concentration
Your two main steps towards developing strong concentration
recognising the essential
and leaving out the non-essential.
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Why You Must Bring Congruency Into Your Life
When you look at your life, how do you feel about it? Does it appear to be chaotic, confusing, overwhelming at times? Or does it appear to be a unified, continuous, joyful whole, progressing triumphantly towards your life goals?Most of us live somewhere between these two extremes. Some days were on a roll, full of confidence and unstoppable. Some days we just seem to be running round in circles, burning all our energy, full of doubt and apprehension and getting nowhere...
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Why Would You Want To Use A Coach?
Do you ever feel that: * Your life is out of your control? * You are not where you could be or want to be? * You don't really receive the recognition you deserve? * You don't feel safe and secure in your relationships? * You are often overlooked and undermined? * You have strong desire but lack belief in your ability or the future? * You are working harder but can't seem to make any progress? * You are frustrated because you can't see...
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Why Hurry Worry? Living Life By Intuition
Learning to trust and live by our intuitive inner guidance systems is not about developing fancy party tricks to impress our friends. It is about learning to return to a life of balance that is guided from a deeper source of wisdom than our current culture has to offer. The more masculine thought processes (Im not bashing individual men herewe all have masculine and feminine attributes) dominate every aspect of our culture, honoring only the linear and rational ways...
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Where Would You Look?
Recently I have been reminiscing about my grandfather and all of the lessons he taught me. The funny thing is, I dont even think he was aware that he was doing it. It wasnt until much later in life that I became aware of what was being taught.For instance, one warm day in Santa Cruz, California, I was helping him out in the fields near his property. With the neighbors permission, his plan was to expand the size of his field and add more crops. Back then a handshake and...
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When Change Happens (Dealing with Loss and Grief)
The time after loss and change is volatile and confusing. However, crisis means opportunity. When we understand the dynamics of change and the process of grief is properly handled, it's possible for an individual to grow a great deal during this time of life. We can turn a time of loss and grief into one of strength and hope.
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What Is Your Definition Of Success?
If we really want this success then we will set ourselves on fire. We won't wait for spontaneous combustion.
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What Is The Value Of One Great Idea?
What is the value of one great idea on personal development? Priceless in my opinion. When I really look back at the things which have helped me with success and happiness, it really comes down to a few key ideas and concepts that just clicked at one point in my life. The funny thing is that a life changing concept for me will often be practically ignored when shared with another. Everyone is unique as to what concepts are most needed in their life, and their readine...
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What Is the Leonardo Trait? Creativity in Action
Is there a gene for creativity? Maybe not, but I think there's a trait - the Leonardo Trait
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What Does Your Label Say?
One of the easiest things to do when talking to someone is to start exchanging battle stories with them!It simply begins by telling them about a time in your life when you went through something that you thought was devastating and how it either ruined you or how you overcame it.Almost before you can complete your story, the other person jumps in and always seems to try to one up you with their own battle story.Before you know it, you are in a conversation that se...
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Wabi-sabi: The Beauty Of Imperfection
Ring the bells that still can ring.Forget your perfect offering.There is a crack, a crack in everything.Thats how the light gets in. --Leonard CohenTucked away in the deepest heart of Japan, somewhere beyond city life, probably beyond country life, resting in a humble shack on a simple shelf in a nearly bare room, you can find a really powerful idea about beauty. This idea, this way of life, this way of being, goes against everything the contemporary American cul...
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Useful Self Help Resources
For establishing a guide to health and wellness, a person has many resources at their disposal that will provide help them in many areas. Most illnesses occur from exposure to outside sources but people are more susceptible to the illnesses because they lack the proper diet and nutrition to fight off the diseases naturally. The self-help efforts of medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and family can have a dramatic effect on the life of an individual.Some med...
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Unsatisfied Basic Needs And Addictive Behavior
Throughout our lives we have various requirements that must be met. These are our needs and desires, which range from basic physical needs to selfless desire. When any of these are not met, negative physical, mental, and emotional complications and addictions can result, sometimes with distressful consequences. This discussion is about needs.A need is an explicit requirement, like feeling hungry and demanding to eat or seeking assurance when you feel unloved and insecure....
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Unleash Your Subconscious Mind Power
Your subconscious mind is the maker of all the great ideas you have ever had, and is also the seat of your intuition and creativeness
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Unleashing Your Personal Development Potential
You eventually reach a point in your life when you're ready for change and a whole bunch of information that'll help you unleash your personal development potential. Until then, something can stare at you right under your nose but you dont see it. For instance, when you look at a painting, you can't really appreciate it when it's just an inch away from your face. But if you look at it from a little further back, youll have a clearer vision of the whole artwork. Most...
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Understanding The Supermom Trap
What is it in moms that makes us feel we have to take on the SuperMom identity? What makes us put on that cape? If you talk to working mothers that you know, or even examine your own experiences, falling into the SuperMom trap is common. We all know SuperMom
faster than the microwave, more powerful than steel wool, able to fold laundry in a single bound. SuperMoms scare away the monsters under the bed, creates wonderful family meals, as she works, runs a business, or...
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Trusting Your Inner Guidance
When we begin to feel lost or confused about various aspects of our lives, our first instinct is to search for direction. We feel sure that the answers we need are out there somewhere, and finding them will help us to know the right way to turn.While seeking advice and guidance from others can be helpful at times, it is not always the best way to help ourselves. Rather than relying on someone else to tell us our truth, we can instead choose to look within and find the ans...
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Toxic Guilt, Healthy Guilt
Are you plagued with guilt? There is a big difference between healthy guilt and toxic guilt. In this article, learn what creates toxic guilt and how to heal it.
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The Woman In The Mirror - My Personal Story
How many times have you looked in the mirror and seen something you dont like? It happens to the best of us, we get caught up in what we should look like. Thighs are too big, hair is too straight, too many freckles, breasts are too small
the list could go on, and for many of us it does. The question is, are you loving who you are and keen to further improve yourself, or are you getting caught in the old Ill be happy when
? Ill be ha...
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The Struggle
What do butterflies have in common with the human spirit? Meet Maggie, a middle aged wife and mother who was about to find out. Maggie wasnt rich like a millionaire or poor in a manner of being homeless. She was living an average comfortable life. It was made even better when a beautiful baby girl came her way. She and her husband made sure their daughter had her needs met and they were still able to take a yearly vacation by the beach.Maggie was a partner in her hu...
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The Spiritual Reasons To Achieve Your Goals
Personal Development inspires people to set & achieve goals. In the 21st Century, with its ever increasing pace and competitive mind-set, people believe they have to improve themselves in order to succeed. Many on the spiritual path believe that setting physical goals is against spiritual values. But what if they understood physical goal achievement was really a spiritual exercise would they think differently?
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The solution WITHIN
It's quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.
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The Self Image of a Baby Boomer
Self image takes on a different role in Mid Life. Its not a cocky attitude which spurs on winning and over powering another person. It is about having the self confidence to be comfortable in your own skin. Creating a life and a style more suited for who you have become. Its liking the ability to walk in your own shoes and not trying to copy or wish you were someone else. The self image of any aging baby boomer is unique.
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The Secret of Happiness
What does happiness mean to you? Theres a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of being happy --where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is. But Id like to share a little secret with you -- happiness is not just for a lucky few who were born with it.
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The Prosperous Life
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25Most of us want to be successful, well off, and live the good life. Did you ever consider that the way to accomplish this might not be grabbing all you can, but by giving your way there? Did you consider that the way up the ladder of life might be going outward instead of upward? This seems foreign to us and absolutely contrary to everything we are taught in society. After all,...
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The Power Of Laughter
Laughing has tremendous power. Not only can it make you feel joyous and put others at ease but did you know that it can also heal?
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The Perrfectionist Demon!
One of the worst habits you can have is to be a perfectionist. Most people do not even realize that being a perfectionist leads to the horrible habit of procrastination - putting off the things that you know need to be done.The basis for procrastination is the fear that we will not do something properly so we decide not to start. If we don't start then we cannot fail. We think in our heads that we must complete a project but are afraid it will not be done correctly leadin...
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The One Thing I Know
I know only one thing that matters more than anything in the world, but I know that one thing.
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The Often Overlooked Resource For Healing - The Internet
Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of hope. Friends and family members who enjoy good health may not understand the particular emotional stresses you experience. The doctor pays keen attention to your medical care, but shari...
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The Manifesting Mindset for self improvement.
For years we have been exposed to self help and motivational instruction that focuses heavily on the physical world.For some this has been highly effective while for others this hasnt always been the case.
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The Key To Personal Development And Stress Reduction (And Maybe Even World Peace)
Wherever you are right now, stop everything (this is important). Take just a moment and sit back in your seat. Now, put your hands on your abdomen with you fingertips barely touching. On your next inhale separate your fingertips by breathing deeply and slowly into your belly, allowing your breath to push them apart. Then exhale slowly so that your fingertips come back together. When youve finished, try it again.There. Thats it
THE key to unlocking the door to your own g...
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The Fear Of Criticism
So many times in life we would like to try something new. Like a new sport, different style haircut, changing clothing or loosing weight. But are afraid to try because of the criticism we might receive from others because of our change. Over time we have been brainwashed into believing other people's opinions and think they hold more weight then our own feelings. We don not want to be judged. If you want to break old habits you must not be controlled by outside people. You mu...
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The Dead End Of Resistance
Jimmy had spent many years in various kinds therapy, yet still felt numb and empty inside most of the time. He consulted with me because he hoped that the Inner Bonding process we teach would move him out of feeling so stuck.It became apparent to me soon after starting to work with Jimmy on the phone that he was deeply stuck in resistance to taking responsibility for himself. His main intention was to have control over getting approval from others. He was a typical nice...
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The Dance Of Change
Though many are afraid of change, our world today has made it decidedly clear that, like it or not, change is and continues to be a constant. Not only that, it is an increasingly consistent constant. Like it or not, theres no avoiding this invitation to dance. Yet if we have learned to flow with this dance, if we have found a way to see ourselves as a partner in the process of change, we have a chance. If we have been attuned enough to have caught a whiff of the winds...
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The Cause Of Panic Attacks
Often panic attacks occur for no apparent reason. Their causes are shrouded in mystery. They can strike unexpectedly, suddenly, spontaneously.That said, panic attacks tend to occur when your are under stress. They can also crop up when you are about to face a situation that you are afraid of, either consciously or unconsciously. That situation could be real or imagined. For instance, you may have a public speech to give and your mind might be working overtime on the (un)l...
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The Butterfly Effect: Why Everything You Do Matters
Chaos theory, a recent groundbreaking theory in applied mathematics, asserts that even a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas can cause a chain of events leading to a typhoon in Japan a month later. It's called sensitive dependence on initial conditions. What that means in plain English is that the matrix of cause and effect is so delicately balanced and interdependent that if you change one thing, you change everything.What fascinates me is how that idea might transla...
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The Awesome Power Of Words
On some playground as I child, I learned to sing the song sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. I guess that was to appease the bullies on the playground as we stuck out our tongues at them, but in reality it couldnt be farther from the truth. Words do hurt and they can do great harm. Wars have been fought because of words.There are many people who are struggling in life today not because of physical injuries on a playground but from words ...
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The 3 Little Known Secrets To Daily Productivity
Whether you have a business that is based out of your home, or if you want to maximize your efforts at your job, there are 3 basic concepts that will ensure your success.By learning about and embracing these 3 simple and free success techniques you will not only increase your productivity, but you will maintain your sanity as well!SchedulingYes, you are busy. Everyone is busy these days. From stay at home parents who raise children full-time, all the way up th...
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Ten Top Organising Tips For Dyslexics
Over the years I have had to find alternate ways of doing certain everyday tasks, so I developed various ways to cope with my Dyslexia, methods that have also helped thousands of others. Now I would like to share them with you.1)Highlighting Numbers and WordsI still use the method my parents had devised for me as a child for seeing numbers - colours! I use different highlighter pens for different items. Everything from everyday lists to spreadsheets can be prepared th...
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Tend To Your Own Happiness
Many of us wish for more happiness. We want to lead happier, more fulfilling, lives, but the sad truth is that so many of us that wish for more happiness spend much more time tending the happiness of others than we do tending to our own happiness.Happiness does not simply happen. A person does not suddenly stumble across happiness. Happiness is the result of careful tending and a person who wishes to be happy must tend to their own happiness.Tending to your happiness ...
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Teen Self Help
Getting through the teenage years is often one of the hardest parts of a persons entire life. This is a time when emotions run high and changes are taking place at an astronomical rate. Oftentimes, a person doesnt have the time to catch up with what is happening to them and a lot of big mistakes are likely to happen.The early years of high school and college are also a time where things may not always be as they seem to be on the surface. Those who are largely successfu...
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Success Through The Eyes Of A Child
Adults, with eyes to see, can learn so much about success in life from children. Children have an uncluttered authentic perspective on life. They live from the heart rather than the head. They bring a refreshing clarity and perception perspective to the world, that the adult mind often loses.
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Success - How To Overcome The Naysayers
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.Sometimes the closest people to you are the ones that stop you form achieving greatness in your life. You go to them, full of excitement, to tell them all the great things that you want to do in life. Instead of hearing the support and encouragement from your friends and family, you hear words of doubt and fear.They may not be...
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Successful Decision-making Process
Decision-making seems like it should be a simple process, but sometimes we can find ourselves vacillating back and forth between one or more choices, truly unable to make a solid decision. One of the things that makes decision-making so unnerving is the fear of making a wrong move. We may hesitate about making any kind of decision because we're not sure of what the outcome will be. We get mired in what ifs, paralyzed by fears of what could go wrong. We worry that choosi...
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Subliminal Messages & The CIA
They were used in a cinema in 1957 and then banned by The USA & UK in 1958. Advertisers have been accused of manipulating the buying public with them and the self improvement industry makes a foryune from them. Advertising agencies swear that they don't use them and many scientists say they don't work. So why were the CIA so interested in subliminal messages?
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Subliminal Messages For Improvement: Hearing The Silent
How do Subliminal Messages work? It relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious part of the brain to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the person that hears the hidden suggestions, usually called subliminal affirmations, then it becomes a stable, strong pillar in that persons belief system.What can Subliminal Messages be used for? The real question is what can't Subliminal Messages be used for. I've seen...
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Stuttering Speech Therapy
In this article, I write about the various types of stuttering therapies that are available. My background, I started stuttering at the age of four, it continued until I was twenty-two, basically ruining the eighteen years in between. I then fought very hard and eventually overcame the stutter.
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Stuttering Self Help
I am Stephen Hill from Birmingham in England. I started to stutter at the age of four or five. My parents took me to a lot of different types of speech therapy, some in groups, some on a one to one basis. The kind of advice I was given to control my stutter or to overcome my stutter were varied.
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Stress And Illness
Jack, 60 years old, is a client of mine. Jack had been in a very difficult, codependent marriage with Stella - a marriage where Jack completely gave himself up in his attempts to avoid Stellas anger, threats and blame. Jack sought my help regarding extricating himself from this very unhappy relationship and was finally able to end the marriage. Subsequently, Jack sent me the following email:Hi Margaret, I hope all is going well with you. I thought you might be intereste...
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Stop Seeing Red Through Hypnotherapy For Anger Management
Lets begin by counting how many times you got angry today. Did you honk a tad bit extra to get people out of your way as you were late to work? Did you throw a fit because your kid wouldnt have his glass of milk, and you wondered Why God, why me? Were you upset because your spouse spent the evening at work, and missed your dinner date? Little things seem to irk you beyond belief, you feel like the universe is conspiring against you. You think Murphys laws were ...
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Stammering Speech Therapy
Are you somebody who has a stammer? My name is Stephen Hill and I had a stammer problem which started when I was aged four. After suffering with the speech impediment for eighteen years, I then, afer a lot of hard work, managed to achieve fluency. This article is about the types of speech therapy that are available for stammering.
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Speech Course For A Stutter
This article describes the type of stutter speech courses which are available. In general they are designed to help people who stutter to achieve fluency.
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Solutions For Extreme Shyness
Shyness can sometimes be a life destroying problem. If you are very shy, find out what kinds of treatments can help you overcome your shyness and make more friends.
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Small Changes = Big Rewards
From the minute we are born our brains are being programmed by adults, dont do that, dont do this, thats right, thats wrong, the list goes on. Parents all over the world programming their childrens minds with what they believe is right. Like a computer the information is stored in the memory and is repeated day in day out, over and over again. Once programmed it is sometimes hard to change our life we consider normal.
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Slow Down, You Move Too Fast
Everyone agrees that the modern world is hectic and busy. Most of our days are packed full of tasks and challenges. We've all got places to go and people to meet. The more the pressure builds in our lives then the faster we rush, but rushing isn't the way to relieve that pressure. No, we have to take a line from Simon and Garfunkel's 59th St. Bridge Song and simply slow down and not move so fast.The only way to relieve stress and pressure is to step off the fast-track o...
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Sex & Subliminal Messages
A cognitive neuroscientist conducted studies into the effectiveness of using subliminal images and had some startling results.
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Seven Steps To Self Discovery - Familyvision Column
Paula is the most popular girl in high school. Only people who meet the criteria can join her social circle. The school seems to revolve around her. Her rival is Eva who is another snob. Eva hates Paula (and the feeling is mutual). One day Eva follows Paula home, hoping to find some dirt. Finally, Paula arrives at a homeless shelter. Eva becomes unhappy because she feels Paula is performing community service (just another medal on Paulas chest). However, Eva is startled. Pau...
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Set Yourself Up For Success This New Year
Its 2008 and just as you did last year, and the year before that, youve probably set some New Years resolutions. By the time you get to February, these will be long forgotten as you get caught up with the daily grind of life.Why not make a fresh start this year and do things differently by following this simple 5 step process. Its easy, effective and very practical. It will help you make the changes that you know you need to make to bring new happiness into your life ...
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Setting Personal Goals: What Are Your Resolutions For The New Year?
Are you thinking about setting your personal goals? What are your resolutions for the new year?This is a busy time of year. Personally and socially there are cards to send, gifts to buy, and parties to attend. Professionally there are reviews, audits, and projects to wrap up before the years end. It is no wonder that we tend to push everything that can be postponed off until after the holidays.However this is an important time of year for you to take stock both person...
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Self Help Management
If you are serious about self help, you will have to develop a management approach to your personal development that you can turn to in times of need. Self help isnt just about an occasional book or a brief visit to a group. Self help is about ongoing practices and long term devotion to certain principles that will eventually transform you into a better person. For this you will need a long term management policy or procedure to help you mark your progress and outline your p...
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Self Help For Women
Self Help has come a long way in the past several decades. It used to be that womens issues werent even thought of let alone specialized in Universities, counseling centers and books all over the world. In just a few short decades, self help for women has burgeoned into a major industry and a worldwide movement. Entire countries that used to promote traditional cultures where women were expected to be submissive to their husbands are now taking up new values and beco...
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Self Help Anxiety
Making the decision to get some help can be intimidating for many people. How do we know who to trust when it comes to our problems? For many people, the idea of trust is such a problem that they avoid getting help at all. Typically, their problems in their lives only worsen as a result of avoiding the help they need and they eventually find themselves in a desperate situation. Once you are desperate, you will accept help from anyone and you wont have the luxury of choo...
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Self Help And Your Self Esteem
People with low self esteem often feel completely alone when it comes to finding a solution to their problem. Without a proper direction finder, they may turn their strength over to one person after another and never really find anyone who can help them. Feeling alone is likely to be one of the most central issues facing people with low self esteem and this is what puts them at a disadvantage. In order to truly be able to find the right direction in life and to choose the ...
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Self Help And Anger Management
People that get angered easily may need some effective means to control themselves and may thus need to look for a proper anger management technique that will answer to their needs to control them in situations that often gets well out of hand. With people having serious instances of anger management requirements the good news is that a number of different techniques with regard to self help anger management are available to fight off this condition.Counseling From Therap...
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Self Help
Everyone can use a little advice from time to time. The trouble is, these days it's hard to find the time to seek help, so more people are finding ways to help themselves. The Self Help industry is big business and getting bigger every day, with television programs, books, software, vacation retreats and more resources available everywhere.The Internet is an excellent place to find self-help resources. You can find information quickly and easily on the web, for any issue...
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Self Esteem: You Are Not Who You Think You Are
David sat in front of me at one of my five-day intensive workshops. A successful businessman with a wife and two grown children, David believed that he was not good enough.Im insufficient, he said. Im inadequate.I looked at this kind man and felt deep sadness for him. He did not know who he was. Why do you believe that? I asked.I didnt do well in school, and Ive made lots of mistakes in my life.So you are basing y...
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Removing Life's Clutter
I love the Fall, the crispness of the air, the beautiful colors in God's creation, but I also realize with the Fall comes clean-up! I keep looking at the leaves in my yard and realize that if we don't get them up soon they may just overtake the yard! How often do our lives become cluttered with unnecessary businesses, events or situations that drain us and at times overwhelm us. It doesn't take long to feel cluttered and bogged down. Maybe it's time for a little Fall cleanin...
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Relaxation How To Relax And Unwind...
I havent got time to relax really? Have you got time not too?Being able to relax is important to achieving optimal performance and health. You name it; being relaxed will increase your productivity in it. If you're not relaxed, everything you do will be a struggle. Relaxation provides mind-body integration necessary for peak performance.It is important to relax to get your mind clear and your body tension free; to regain focus and to cool down and to help return to...
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Relationship Visioning - An Exercise In Transformation
To grow and evolve, we need relationships for mirroring and feedback. Yet fear, negative assumptions and coping strategies can erode or destroy relationships. When we design relationships together with loving cooperation, they can be both enjoyed and utilized for conscious transformation.This activity is designed to help you transform a current personal or professional relationship into a supportive experience, or imagine the best one for you. Write your responses in comp...
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Recognizing Your Success with Self Development
(Self Improvement) When you learn that you already have successful abilities you can focus those patterns to achieve the goals and results you want.
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Reap Your Own Happiness
One of my favorite expressions is that you reap what you sow. While I often hear it used negatively by someone who expects some chickens to come home to roost I prefer to think of it as something positive. How comforting to think that all our hard work and toil will be rewarded with a crop of something good? How wonderful to think that putting love and care into some project or person will indeed be rewarded.Of course, while most Americans give lip service to the noti...
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Realize What No Other Can
We have thousands of choices we can explore in order to reach our ultimate destination. Some of these pathways appear safe, so many of us prefer to try this route. And while this path can be blissfully easy for awhile, and we feel safe, we fit-in, we have friends, family and jobs that are pretty normal....we can eventually run into a boulder that life has placed somewhere along the way. And it refuses to let us go around it. We can't ignore it, we can't pretend it isn't the...
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Quiz- Are You Tense?
Tension, stress, anxiety, depression, and other disorders are a gift of the modern world to all of us. Our ancestors did not know the meaning of these words. But all of us suffer from them some time in our life? Quiz yourself about your tension. If you are tense, you should get out of it as soon as possible otherwise the tension will one day make your life very sad? How to find that out? Let us quiz ourselves.Think of yourself when you get up. Do you get up with a spring ...
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Quit Smoking - Prepare To Succeed
For many smokers the desire to quit smoking is strong
yet it seems no matter what they do, they just cant seem to break this devastating habit. The inability to quit smoking causes many to privately belittle themselves and curse their seeming weakness.For others it seems they simply wake up one morning and decide to quit smoking. What makes the difference in these people? Is someone who decides to quit smoking like this a stronger person than the one who has yet to becom...
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Personal Self Help
When it comes to self help and a spiritual path in life, everyone is different. There is no set of rules that can be applied to anyone across the board because each person has their own individual set o circumstances that are specific for them. Personal self help means finding out what your specific issues are that are different from other peoples and then finding a way that you can fit these issues into a more common form of treatment that is convenient and readily availa...
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Personal Development Procrastinators
Do you dream of a better life, more money, healthy loving relationships, greater freedom, more job satisfaction and reaching all those long cherished goals? Ask yourself why you havent achieved them yet. I bet you can come up with a dozen or more excuses. However, if most people are honest with themselves there is only one reason why their life stays the same, year in and year out!
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Personal Development Power Tips
Personal Development, at its basis, is anything that allows us to grow into an ordered life that is of our choosing. This is one of the most cherished of goals among self improvement practitioners. There are some excellent methods available for achieving it. However, it is easier said than done. Here are a few hints and tips to get you started.
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Organize the thoughts in your head
article about self help and the manifestation of life
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Opening to Your Life Insights
Everyone has the capabilities to grow and evolve spiritually. Once you are on this path you will experience life differently. You wont be looking for others to make your life better; you will understand that it is up to you. You decide weather to be happy or not.
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On Resolutions
The New Year is almost here and, for some of us, our thoughts turn to making changes in our lives and the inevitable New Years resolution. While it is understandable that we establish resolutions, I dont recommend them for 2 main reasons:1. Waiting for an event like the New Year means that we lose time and opportunity, and is a form of procrastination. If change is required, we must incorporate the necessary changes immediately.2. The vast majority of those who esta...
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One Degree Between Success And Failure
Whats the difference between success and failure
?One Degree!Have you ever seen Tiger Woods play golf?Tiger Woods knows the importance of one degree. Why?Well, think about this for a moment.Whats the difference between Tiger hitting a perfect straight shot and him hitting a shot that goes way off to the right?You guessed it
One Degree.One degree of difference in the angle of his club can mean hitting a perfect shot or hitting a shot that goes no...
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My Communication Is The Response I Get
Have you ever felt you communicated clearly with someone, but that person didnt understand what you said? Did you blame them for not listening properly, or for misinterpreting your words? Or did you take responsibility for the response your communication elicited? Were you centered with your truth while being flexible in your approach?Communication is like a dance, where we lead and follow, give and receive, speak and listen, create and accept. Through this dance we can ...